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Mares get mixed reviews in some horse circles.  


Known for their strong opinions and undisputed leadership, people and other horses often give them wide berth.  


But these are also the attributes of strength, surety and loyalty that fill us with awe and admiration.  


Meet our Mustang mares, all survivors of the largest rescue mission ever implemeted in the United States.  


They are wild, willful and wonderful. 


The heart of a Mustang mare is its own force of nature.   

Our mares represent four different bands of wild Spanish Mustangs:   The White Sands, Gila, Virginia Range and Douglas bands.

© 2023 by This Old Horse, Inc.  19025 Coates Blvd.  Hastings, MN  55033  651 437 1889    This Old Horse, Inc. is a nonprofit, 501c3 organization.

Tax ID:  45-4234611

This Old Horse logo designed by Sue Schadow.  Principle photography on this site is by Toni Thomas.

 Additional photography by Brenda Teter, Shelley Paulson, Alyssa Smolen and Lynn Cronquist.

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